Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Reading Response to: Everyday Use - Alice Walker

Alice Walker
born: 1944

The story Everyday Use is about the traditions being passed down from generation to generation and what they mean to us.  I believe that traditions have the purpose of reminding us of where we came from as well as tell us the story of our beginnings. Traditions can come in the form of heirlooms being passed down to sons or daughters.  Also cultural celebrations are traditions that are passed down within families for several generations. 

In this story, the form of tradition was an heirloom quilt being passed down.  Mama had two daughters and had planned to pass down a cherished heirloom quilt to her beloved daughter Maggie whenever she would marry.  She had not considered her other daughter Dee because, as the author tells us: Dee wanted nice things, described as things being just to her liking as she was determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts; At sixteen she had a style of her own: and knew what style was, page: 1493.   

I believe Mama didn't think Dee would appreciate the heirloom quilt because she didn't consider it being in the category of nice things as Dee once did.  She had once offered her the quilt, but Dee turned her nose up saying the quilt was too old and out of style.  Now it turns out that Dee has changed her mind and is now making her plea to have the quilt.  But only for materialistic reasons. The quilt had scraps of old clothes worn generations before by her mother, father and great grandfather stitched by the hand of Big Dee and symbolized where they had come from.  

Dhe only appreciates the quilt for its monetary value and its view as a status symbol.  She has this uppity attitude that she would show more appreciation for having the quilt than her sister would, because her sister would have the audacity to actually put it to everyday use.  Mama can appreciate the quilt being put to everyday use more than the materialistic value Dee is placing on the heirloom.  Dee doesn't place any value on her own heritage nor appreciating where she came from, the very thing this quilt represents. She had never brought friends to her home because she was ashamed of where she came from.  She's been ashamed of her heritage for most of her life and now she comes back home on a whim just to poach her family's most cherished family heirloom.  

People put values on things for their own reasons, whether it be for personal gain or true respect for tradition.

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